Designed Retirement

Live & Play Your Way

Suntima uses a dynamic and progressive Framework for Retirement Transition that allows us to meet you where you are now and move you toward your ultimate retirement destination. This combined education and coaching experience is truly a learning and insight lab. 

Not only do we use a full range of tools and assessments, but our methods are delivered to you in an array of online and on-site environments. We particularly enjoy less conventional use of known techniques, old models and theories, and everyday surroundings to explore challenges and opportunities in new ways. Though we do not exclusively operate “in the wild”, we do appreciate and encourage our clients to get out and experience the world and its infinite lessons.

While the following phases of the retirement transition framework build on each other to make a more robust and cohesive whole, they are standalone segments and can be completed as individual parts.



Our motto is, “Change your environment, change your perspective; change your perspective, change your life!”

When you are ready, the world will be your teacher and we are happy to be your guide in the process that will help you become aware of your situation, clear about your options, intentional in your preparation, and confident in your decisions. Your journey will involve a variety of curious, playful, and committed accountability partners — a make-up of your choosing — which may be a life partner, other family members, friends, colleagues, or simply a 1:1 collaboration with your coach.