Our Pack

(aka our tribe, our people, our accomplices in personal growth and curiosity)

You are in the right place if you…

  • Think retirement refers to slowing down, but has a negative connotation

  • Believe retirement suggests pulling back from active engagement in the world

  • Have no intention of sitting around the house and looking forward to the end of the day

  • Want to transition from your 20+ years job into something less stressful and demanding

  • Want to continue to participate, create, grow and not be stuck in how others define retirement and age

And you…

  • Want to redirect, re-frame your career, re-chart your course

  • Want to pursue what you want in life – adventure, leisurely pursuits, time with loved ones

  • Want to live where you want, have your own schedule, and travel on a whim

  • Want to spend more time “being” rather than focus so much on "doing"

  • Want a new lifestyle! You reject the notion that retirement is something to fear

“I don’t see myself ever retiring” is a common sentiment among those in their 40s and 50s, and even some 60-somethings today. Phased retirement involving part-time employment, unpaid volunteer work, and entrepreneurship are often cited as ways to continue engagement and feel relevant. AND…if travel can be incorporated, all the better! 

We serve individuals, small groups, and organizations interested in contracting for their employees.




1:1 work with us might be a fit For you if

  • You prefer personalized attention, flexible sessions, and content focused on timely topics specific to your situation.

  • You believe non-financial retirement preparation is important for your personal and professional development.

  • You are committed to giving the time and effort it takes to work toward your retirement goals.

  • You enjoy being outdoors and experiencing the world as you walk and talk through ideas, challenges, hopes, and dreams.


1:1 work with us is NOT for you if

  • You believe your financial plan is sufficient, and the challenges plaguing other pre- and recent retirees does not apply to you.

  • You’ve got it under control, the situation will work itself out, and you don’t want to talk about it.

  • You’d prefer somebody else does the legwork and offers you a solution.

  • You prefer working exclusively by virtual consultation, and the anonymity and comfort afforded from your own home/office.



small group work with us might be a fit For you if

  • You enjoy learning with and from others who understand and share similar concerns and objectives.

  • You are willing to be an honest and active participant in a group setting of like-minded people.

  • You enjoy working toward your goals in a supportive environment with a network of accountability partners.

  • You enjoy travel, other cultures, and applying your learnings about global mindsets and traditions to your retirement adventures. 

small group work with us is NOT for you if

  • You are not willing to be vulnerable in front of others or maintain confidentiality of the group.

  • You are not willing to commit to, support, or participate in the group.

  • You prefer individual attention, are overly competitive, or are impulsive in your unsolicited feedback for others.

  • You prefer participating exclusively in virtual experiences from the safety and comfort of your own home/office.



contracting with us might be a fit For your organization if

  • Your company invests both the time and money in employee personal and professional development.

  • Your company believes retirement preparation is a well-being topic and finds non-financial matters to be an important part of that conversation.  

  • Your company understands employee well-being and satisfaction reflects directly upon motivation, engagement, output, and loyalty.

  • Your company values employee growth through new environments, creative methods, and sharing discoveries, decisions and intentions. 

contracting with us is NOT for your organization if

  • Your company only supports employees’ financial retirement planning.

  • Your company avoids conversations regarding career paths and employee decisions that impact succession planning.

  • Your company finds retirement preparation to lack benefits for either employees or the organization.

  • Your company believes that retirement is a personal matter and beyond the interest and responsibility of the organization.


Suntima’s retirement education and coaching helps people like you understand feelings, resolve challenges, plan for possibilities, craft creative itineraries, and commit to following through with the adventures you deserve.