
“You always way exceed my expectations!”

— J.T., Product Manager, Palo Alto

“As a budding entrepreneur, I knew I couldn't make things happen on my own. Tiffany’s support has been incredibly valuable. Her intelligence, creative energy, vast skill set, and genuine enthusiasm has helped me keep the faith, grow my belief in my business and the many possibilities available.”

— A.S., Career Coach, Melbourne

“Tiffany is such a wealth of information and I look forward to our sessions every week!”

— Anonymous submission

“Tiffany helped me to make changes that have affected both my personal and professional goals. Her questions provoked some thoughtful discussions and realizations of how my habits/perceptions impacted my progress. I loved her direct, kind, and thoughtful approach to our discussions and in holding me accountable to my goals."

— L.S., Nurse Practitioner, St. Paul

“Tiffany is so positive, inspiring and thought-provoking - it has been wonderful working with her.”

— Anonymous submission

“Coaching with Tiffany is like a breath of fresh air. She is always curious to learn more about me and my needs and wants. I feel recharged and motivated after our sessions. The atmosphere that Tiffany creates is welcoming, caring and accepting. I feel I can be my true self and won’t be judged in any way.”

— A.R., Life & Business Coach, Miami

“Tiffany is knowledgeable, prepared and thorough. She always follows up with promised actions and makes amazing recommendations.”

— Anonymous submission

“Tiffany put me at ease and quickly adapted to my career stage, industry, and comfort level, and was relatable on every level. She knows what questions to ask and when, and is both a gentle and supportive presence while also providing structure and keeping on track with overall goals and expectations.”

— H.G., Communications Manager, San Francisco

“The training and guidance that Tiffany provided was instrumental in expanding our classes and increasing our participation rate.”

— B.K., Readiness Consultant, Alamogordo

“Tiffany was well-prepared, engaging, and thoughtful in applying her perspective and experience to my goals.”

— Anonymous submission

Tiffany has developed an incredible training program that has challenged our entire team to raise the bar of professionalism. Her tireless efforts energize and inspire each of us.”

— E.V., VP Sourcing & Procurement, Las Vegas

“Tiffany is very knowledgeable and so easy to work with that the session was over too quickly.”

— Anonymous submission

“Tiffany is a role model for everyone in the department as she exemplifies the professional hard-working nature that commands respect. She has developed and led multiple team building events which have received great responses from the employees.”

— J.M., Executive Director of Sourcing, Las Vegas

“Amazing coach, proactive, focus on detail.”

— Anonymous submission

Tiffany is an innovative change leader who understands how to leverage her knowledge and influence to bring about positive change in an organization.”

— K.L., Executive Director of Supplier Diversity, Las Vegas

“Tiffany is reliable, dependable and responsible. She does her homework and is always prepared. Our customers trust her input, timeliness and quality of work.”

— W.K., Senior Systems Analyst, Colorado Springs

“Tiffany is a voice of calm and reason and has an innate ability to get people moving in the right direction. She has used her in-depth organizational skill to keep a diverse group of individuals focused and on track which has resulted in complete customer satisfaction and mission success.”

— J.R., Associate Vice President, Colorado Springs

Continued insights & resources have been very helpful in fully developing my process.”

— Anonymous submission

“Tiffany is a results-oriented leader with a unique combination of operational expertise, interpersonal skills, and initiative. She is a tireless worker with an unmatched work ethic; she sets high standards and puts in the hours necessary for her team to achieve them.”

— J.R., Commander, Washington DC

“Tiffany is an energetic and dynamic leader who takes challenges head on and never backs down from tough calls. She leads by example and her impeccable work ethic.”

— D.S., Director, Washington DC

“Tiffany is a great asset. She is a highly dedicated, motivated, and gifted instructor.”

— N.M., Associate, Lompoc