Professional Development

Retirement is a natural progression in your career path and professional development. As such, we’re here to help you view it as and prepare for it in the same way you would your next promotion.

Unfortunately, most do not prepare for their move into retirement aside from finances. Adequate preparation for a smooth and satisfying transition is far more of a commitment to your personal well-being, as it accounts for your thoughts, feelings and plans for actions related to fulfilling a variety of needs including:

  • health and fitness (mental, physical, spiritual)

  • relationships (family, friends, professional peers)

  • social support and belonging (shared connection and community integration)

  • identity (defining yourself in relation to who and what surrounds you)

  • life purpose (what gets you out of bed and drives you each day)

  • hobbies, recreation, travel (playful, purposeful and intellectually stimulating activities)

  • geographic location (worldwide relocation, slow-travel, cultural considerations)

  • so much more!

Topics such as these are dismissed by some as being "not important right now” and believed by others to be "not applicable" at all. Retirement is not just a job change, but a significant transition which requires a deeper-felt internal level of awareness, understanding and acceptance. As suggested by the list above, it is an all-encompassing transformation with implications for both physical and psychological well-being.

While the fact of change in retirement is the same for all of us, how we experience it is very different. We’ll assess where you are in the change process and provide you with tools specific to your personal and professional situation, including challenges, desired outcomes, and ultimate vision for your way ahead.